пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

faraway get island

A few months ago, a friend of mine showed me a movie on Google Video that has been circulating the Internet since mid 2007. The movie was called "Zeitgeist". A literary translation of this German word means Time Spirit, but a more meaningful translation is "The Spirit of the Age".

The longer I watched this movie, the more silent I grew. I�couldnapos;t utter a word. I donapos;t want to spoil too much because I�believe everyone should see it for themselves. Yes, everyone should see it.� Why? Because thereapos;s a big chance it will change your perspective on things.

Alright, one small spoiler then:

The movie is divided in 3 parts. Part 1 is about religion (a touchy subject for many), part 2 covers the 9/ 11 attacks on the WTC in New York in 2001 and the third part (which had the most impact on me) deals with the system of international banking. If you donapos;t immediately see a connection, donapos;t worry. Watching the movie should correct that.

The funny thing is a lot of people have expressed (in forums) contempt because of the message of the first part of the movie (which I will not spoil). Similar feelings were not expressed (at least not on the same scale) in relation to the other 2 parts. These parts were largely portrayed� as being part of a conspiracy theory. I�disagree.�

It is too simplistic to say something is a conspiracy theory. In my honest opinion, itapos;s an excuse in disguise. An excuse that enables a person to neglect paying any attention to the subject at hand. It allows the person to circumvent any discussion that might follow. Just say you donapos;t want to think about it, because it doesnapos;t interest you. Donapos;t go making up phony arguments. You donapos;t know, so donapos;t act like you do.

Itapos;s like people donapos;t want to think for themselves anymore, at least thatapos;s the feeling Iapos;m getting. Weapos;re all too busy doing stuff, so many things are competing for our attention at the same time. So instead of actually doing research and getting our facts straight we like to brush things off as being this or that. I get it, it saves time. Time we would rather be spending in a different manner.

Serious subjects though, require discussion with well informed participants. Otherwise itapos;s just a cacophony, useless production of sound, waste of breath. Sure everybody is entitled to their opinion, but does that also include reveiling unfounded statements? Is everyone allowed to write anything they say off as "freedom of expression"?�

Anyway, back to the movie. A sequal has been released on October 4th 2008, called Zeitgeist Addendum. One advise: watch as soon as you can. Lock yourself up for 2 hours, turn off your cell phone, turn off MSN and watch. If in the end you can say that this movie had absolutely no effect on you, then I�seriously question your being human.

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